Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
Aequitas - The Roman Goddess of Fairness, Justice and Equity
So the idea of "Equity" dates back to Roman and English Law.
There's been a recognition for a long time that BRIGHT LINE LEGAL RULES could result in INJUSTICE ---
See "Equity before 'Equity' " (2022) --- Modern Law Review
There's been a recognition for a long time that BRIGHT LINE LEGAL RULES could result in INJUSTICE ---
See "Equity before 'Equity' " (2022) --- Modern Law Review
Behavior Health Administration
Behavior Health Administration
Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
DNA Methylation and the Immune System
Auto-Immune Disorders, Cancer and Cognitive Disability
DNA Methylation and the Immune System
Auto-Immune Disorders, Cancer and Cognitive Disability
Independent (UK): New research confirms a link between autoimmune disorders and psychosis (2018)
Nature -- Translational Psychiatry:
Microglia sequelae: brain signature of innate immunity in schizophrenia (2022)
Nature -- Translational Psychiatry:
Microglia sequelae: brain signature of innate immunity in schizophrenia (2022)
"We Risk Being Ruled By Dangerous Binaries"
Mohsin Hamid on our Increasing Polarisation
Mohsin Hamid on our Increasing Polarisation
Val Corzine Attorney she/her/hers/herself Orchid ---
Val's Slow Processing Speed For pro bono projects locally and nationally, consider INDIVIDUAL OLMSTEAD CLAIMS --- US Department of Justice (DOJ) --- Instructions for Filing an Olmstead Complaint Statement of the Department of Justice on Enforcement of the Integration Mandate of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead v. L.C. What ORCHID is Committed to and/or understands as a REALIST:
At this time, we do not provide INDIVIDUAL ADVOCACY or address Individual Requests for Information and Referral --- See the Orchid Indexes for OTHER RESOURCES.
Our Advocacy Work in Colorado is exclusively focused on SYSTEMIC Olmstead Advocacy with a particular focus on SUPPORTIVE HOUSING for people with cognitive disabilities who are homeless or being released from incarceration. Having said that, we believe that ACCESSIBLE HOUSING for people with Physical Disabilities must be included as well. Draft Olmstead Planning Supportive Housing bill Key Components of the draft bill would be:
Draft CO Olmstead Supportive Housing Planning Bill e-mailed to Atlantis 9-20-2023. |
This is a challenging website to follow: it's cutting across multiple disciplines and it's often NOT a finished product in the traditional sense --- and yet there are over 1,000 pages. That's a clue that the task of integrating enormous amounts of information across multiple disciplines with severely limited resources is not easy. Ironically, that is our complaint against Federal or State policies that seem far behind the law, or Mental Health Diagnostic Manuals that are out of date, and Translational Research efforts that seem woefully inadequate. See Mental Health's Tower of Babel Bedford Hours, Folio 17v, showing the building of the Tower of Babel, c. 1410–30
Most Famous Babel Towers in Art ORCHID ADVOCACY Prioritizing Elimination of Homelessness & Criminal Justice Involvement for People with Cognitive Disabilities.* Serving as a RESOURCE for People in Colorado, the US and Around the World. *Primarily Brain Injury, Mental Illness, Substance Issues, and Developmental Disabilities Legal & Policy Priorities:
Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
mirror-neurons-aggression Scientists discover mirror neurons in mice and find they’re ... Feb 15, 2023 · The researchers found also that these mirror neurons seemed innately tuned to aggression, even in mice that had never witnessed or engaged in aggressive behavior. They did Alice Merton -- No Roots
"A thousand times I've seen this road. A thousand times." BUT . . . Maternal Inflammation During Pregnancy and Offspring Brain Development:
The Role of Mitochondria "The association between maternal immune activation (MIA) during pregnancy and risk for offspring neuropsychiatric disorders has been increasingly recognized over the past several years. " The Problem of "Quiet Quitting" in Mental Health
and Failure to Stay On Top of the Research Val's Take/Conjecture
That is WHY the largest provider of MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES in the U.S. is MEDICAID. Medicaid Service provision, especially with the advent of "MANAGED CARE," has meant dumping some of the highest needs patients onto the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM and instituting MORE & MORE BUREAUCRACY and NAVIGATORS to deal with PROFOUND SHORTAGES.
The National Institute of Mental Health called out the DSM in 2013 --- and said "Hey, this isn't a valid diagnostic manual." We're now 10 years out from that and the Mental Health Profession has been too busy trying to survive FINANCIALLY to worry about staying on top of the research. The other side of that is TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH EFFORTS are NOT ADEQUATE.
This very much reminds me of the Stephen Covey story of the difference between MANAGEMENT and LEADERSHIP ---
At least to some degree --- THE MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSION is IN THE WRONG FOREST. There are ACCESS ISSUES --- but if MENTAL HEALTH doesn't get on top of the research ---
Preview: Translational Justice Monday
Equity, the Totality of the Circumstances & the Exposome
Aequitas The Roman Goddess of Fairness, Justice and Equity So the idea of "Equity" dates back to Roman and English Law.
There's been a recognition for a long time that BRIGHT LINE LEGAL RULES could result in INJUSTICE ---
See "Equity before 'Equity' " (2022) --- Modern Law Review The Fusion of Law and Equity in United States Courts The law of probate and divorce, formerly separately administered in the ecclesiastical courts, the independently developed law of the admiralty, and the multiform rules of equity, theretofore . . . Totality of the circumstances. In the law, the totality of the circumstances test refers to a method of analysis where decisions are based on all available information rather than bright-line rules. Under the totality of the circumstances test, courts focus "on all the circumstances of a particular case, rather than any one factor". History As early as 1937, the Supreme Court of the United States held that a totality test should be used to determine whether an individual qualifies as a "farmer" under United States bankruptcy law. Totality of the circumstances - Wikipedia Fourth Amendment - Totality of the Circumstances Approach to ...The U.S. Supreme Court in Illinois v. Gates (1983) abandoned the Aguilar-Spinelli test and adopted a totality-of-the-circumstances approach to determine whether an informant's tip established . . . probable cause | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information InstituteWhether or not there is probable cause typically depends on the totality of the circumstances, meaning everything that the arresting officers know or reasonably believe at the time the arrest is . . . Illinois v. Gates: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact Jul 3, 2019 · The Supreme Court applied the "totality of the circumstances test" instead of a rigid two-pronged test developed under previous decisions. Appendix: Totality of the Circumstances Framework ... - USCIS Feb 24, 2020 · Learn how to evaluate the totality of the circumstances of an alien's eligibility for adjustment of status based on public charge criteria. . . Linking "Totality of the Circumstances" with the "Exposome"
So going into a Modern American Criminal Courtroom can be quite a shocking experience:
BUT --- our Criminal Law has not kept up with current Medical Research. Further, the Criminal Law is heavily reliant on the Red-Haired Step Child of the Medical Profession --- Psychiatry --- that is not well integrated with the rest of Medicine and just lumps a large percentage of justice-involved people into the category of "Anti-Social Personality Disorder."
Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
The Exposome --
Exposure Accumulation Over the Lifespan "While we often think of exposures to smoking, stress or an infection as momentary or temporary, research suggests that the body keeps an ongoing tally of disruptors like these over the span of one’s life. "This record is termed the exposome and is the cumulative environmental exposure one has over their lifespan, beginning during prenatal development, according to the aforementioned 2021 Pathophysiology research. "The exposome theory may explain why some people are more susceptible to autoimmunity, if their exposures reach a tipping point." Val' Take/ Conjecture
Understanding The Exposome --- Exposure Accumulation, including pre-natal issues, seems critical to getting a handle on our CHRONIC DISEASE EPIDEMIC of:
Translational Neuroscience:
Toward New Therapies Chapter 3 Psychotic Disorders and the Neurodevelopmental Continuum Michael J. Owen Recent findings, particularly genetic studies that indicate extensive pleiotropy, reinforce the view that current categorical diagnostic systems do not map onto the underlying biology of psychiatric disorders. In particular, networks rather than individual genes and proteins need to be studied, and experimental systems in which multiple variables can be manipulated and multiple endpoints studied need to be developed. Val's Take/Conjecture
It is very unlikely we can adequately address our current Mental Health Crisis without strategically building on current Research and Translational Research efforts. Those efforts are already bearing fruit --- but they are not widely known --- even by clinicians. Mental Health America's dream of getting us out of STAGE 4 MENTAL HEALTH DIAGNOSIS may be on the CUSP of REALITY. WE CAN'T AFFORD THE STATUS QUO PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Asynchronous Development, Energy Issues, Executive Functioning Issues and Stress & Anxiety Val's Take/Conjecture
So the ASYNCHRONOUS PERSON can be a HIGHLY LOGICAL, HIGHLY EMOTIONAL PERSON --- and that doesn't fit with our ideas that LOGIC and EMOTION are OPPOSITES. Problems with TIME MANAGEMENT --- can appear pretty early on because I'm trying to manage so much more information than the average person.
Problems with IRRITABILITY --- I have been around a lot of ASYNCHRONOUS, IRRITABLE PEOPLE in my adult life as an ATTORNEY --- I generally try to MASK my own IRRITABILITY as much as possible --- because it's NOT fun to deal with someone's else's IRRITABIITY. My own observation is that HIERARCHY pretty much determines who has a "LEGITIMATE" Outlet for IRRITABILITY and who doesn't. Although there are people who could truthfully testify under oath that my MASK CAN SLIP. PERFECTIONISM -- I think Aurora Mental Health's campaign "Unpacking Perfectionism" is really onto something ---- and there is a lot to UNPACK. For Neuro-Diverse people some of our TIME and ENERGY ISSUES are not perceived as "REASONABLE" in this Society. Many of us are BOTH PERPETRATORS and VICTIMS when comes to "PERFECTIONISM" and the "TYRANNY OF THE REASONABLE" without regard to "REALITY" or "THE TOTALITY OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES." As highly logical people, we can be all about what is "REASONABLE" and get very angry and irritable with other people and ourselves when our ideas of "REASONABLENESS" don't match our reality. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PERFECTIONISM --- I think is generally a bad idea. Really getting CURIOUS about some of these DIS-CONNECTS between our ideas of "REASONABLENESS" and "REALITY" is more likely to get us the ANSWERS we need and want. PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Hyper-Connected Brains, Emotional Intensity, Hierarchy, Justice and CO-REGULATING Val's Take/Conjecture
It has been relatively recently that we've appreciated the SIGNIFICANCE of Developmental Disability with an IQ UNDER 70 and the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.
Neuro-Developmental Difference/Disability and an IQ OVER 70 and problems with EMOTIONAL REGULATION, etc. One of the things that we tend to go off on is "LYING"
Further, it matters whether "We've Got This" or "We're Pretending We've Got This." How we generally REASON our way through this is to say:
The Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo as probably most mental facilities encounters the problem of the person who:
In 2023, we're not just talking about:
Preview: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Immune synaptopathies: how maternal immune activation impacts synaptic function during development (2023) Abstract Val's Take/Conjecture
Facebook Live:
Childhood Irritability Date/Time: November 7, 2023, 1:00–1:30 p.m. ET Location: NIMH's Facebook Page Many children go through periods of moodiness, but children with irritability experience severe symptoms that can lead to significant problems at home and school. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is hosting a Facebook Live event on childhood irritability featuring NIMH expert Melissa Brotman, Ph.D., chief of the Neuroscience and Novel Therapeutics Unit in the Intramural Research Program. During the event, Dr. Brotman will discuss symptoms of irritability, why it's important to study irritability, NIMH-supported research in this area, and new treatments for severe irritability in youth. Dr. Brotman will also answer your questions live! No registration is required for this free event. Watch the live event on NIMH’s Facebook page. Preview: Translational Love, Relationships & Neuro-Diversity Saturday
Knowing Ourselves, Imperfect Paradigms & Transitions Val's Take/Conjecture I think there is a big overlap between "RESILIENCE" and "Knowing Yourself" and for Neuro-Diverse People --- some of the PARADIGMS out there have been counter-productive. It's really after "CRASHING and BURNING" --- that many Neuro-Diverse people have started to take matters into their own hands to understand and describe what they think may be going on. Three Big Elements to consider are:
One of the things that can be very misleading is that "HYPER-FOCUS" is actually an ENERGY-CONSERVATION STRATEGY. So you see this person working hours on end on some kind of "SPECIAL INTEREST"/WORK/WHATEVER and you think---
It's hard to recall that at one time WOMEN WORKING OUTSIDE THE HOME was an issue ----
Neuro-Diverse Kids and the Need for Individualized Parenting
I see this all around me --- in my family, my work environments, society, and myself:
One of the things that my husband would CAUTION in my child disciplining techniques was ---
He wasn't concerned that I would LITERALLY GO NUCLEAR and he really wasn't concerned that I would engage in some over the top CORPORAL PUNISHMENT --- because we didn't do CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. What he was concerned about was that I would:
I had certainly seen that in the LEGAL SYSTEM --- you get --- WARNINGS and CHANCES and if it doesn't work --- well, predictable CONSEQUENCES in escalating degrees of severity. Of course our criminal justice system often doesn't work very well because it often is not getting to the "ROOT CAUSE" of the problem --- and sometimes that "ROOT CAUSE" is different than we think. More and more teachers are cautioned --- don't take that recess away from that kid with ADHD --- it's not going to work out the way you want. On the other hand, what does work --- really understanding the child's or adult's IDIOSYNCRATIC STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS ---
See: Brain breaks: An evidence-based behavior strategy Preview: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Orchid Top 10 Pages for October 2023 Orchid Top 30 Pages for October 2023
Orchid Top 40 Pages for October 2023
PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
The Economics of an "INCOMPETENT" Mental Health Profession Val's Take/Conjecture I was absolutely FURIOUS when Polis started talking about "EFFICIENCY" in one of his STATE OF THE STATES. I've thought about this a minute and I'm wanting to link STAYING on TOP OF THE RESEARCH in HEALTHCARE with EFFICIENCY. I do think STATES, ADVOCATES, and Individuals and Families need to be pressuring the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to up its game when it comes to getting TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH to CLINICIANS and COMMUNICATING via PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGNS. CMS partnered with the National Institute of Mental Health on improving TREATMENT for FIRST EPISODE PSYCHOSIS and I think those kinds of partnerships could go much further. I think one of the things that we've learned the HARD WAY in EDUCATION --- we can't just keep piling on "DO-GOODER" and "FEEL GOOD" Requirements without thinking through and providing for people to do those things with the TIME & ENERGY allotted. I'm not a fan of the OUT-OF-NETWORK CLINICIAN STRUCTURE in the PRIVATE SPHERE or the let's pay one top guy a ton of money and everybody else work for peanuts in the PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH SPHERE. We're burning our "HELPERS" out in this Society --- they're not all women --- but a lot of them are. PREVIEW: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
The Need to SCREEN for Neuro-Developmental Disorders in the JUSTICE-INVOLVED Population ---while at the same time controlling for UNCONSCIOUS BIAS & Neuro-Developmental Weaknesses in DECISION-MAKERS Val's Take/Conjecture
Many people with an IQ over 70 and Neuro-Developmental Disorders or Differences of older generations were never identified. The Prescription was almost always: TRY HARDER and Executive Functioning Challenges were simply NOT ACCEPTABLE even as the people preaching this often had their own EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING CHALLENGES . Hyper-Connected Brains, Ramped Up Stress Responses, Intense Emotions, Fatigue and Irritability are COMMON IN THIS SOCIETY. We already know that there are a lot of people with "ADHD," "Autism" and "Dyslexia" in the Criminal Justice System. Further, many people are missed because their presentation is so "BLURRED" --- until the CRISIS hits. Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
DNA Methylation and the Immune System Auto-Immune Disorders, Cancer and Cognitive Disability PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
World Mental Health Day Mental Health as a "UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT" Val's Take This is a very interesting way to CONCEPTUALIZE -- "MENTAL HEALTH" as a "UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT." On the one hand, we might say we don't have the KNOWLEDGE to make "MENTAL HEALTH" a "UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT." On the other hand, I think we are often working "BACKWARD" to solve problems:
There is TENSION and a NEED for BALANCE between ----
In some ways, the World Health Organizations aspirational "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right" is the FLIP SIDE of a PRESUMPTION of good or at least adequate "MENTAL HEALTH" in the Criminal Justice System ---
Val's Take
CO's DISABILITY STAKEHOLDER GROUP SMOKE-SCREENS Another Colorado Disability Stakeholder Group had its orientation meeting Oct. 3 --- that they are now calling "SITUATIONAL AWARENESS ONLY" --- for Task Force Members. I and probably many others suspect they will try to do "GOOD THINGS" --- BUT THEY ARE VERY UNLIKELY TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL DISABILITY RIGHTS LAW --- specifically Olmstead. I've not laid into the Polis Administration the way I did the Hickenlooper Administration ---
I wasn't quite so naive for any subsequent administration --- there's been a lot of "TALK" about Olmstead in the Polis Administration ---
I don't see this STAKEHOLDER GROUP as a substitute for what I am proposing with regard to SUPPORTIVE HOUSING:
In Minnesota's Jensen Case, the Judge was beside himself in FRUSTRATION with the STATE as it did everything but actually comply with the LAW. That is certainly a FRUSTRATION I feel with respect to Colorado. Federal District Judge Donovan Frank (Minnesota)
PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
More on Stroke & ADHD
Stroke and Mini-Stroke are associated with PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Val's Take/Conjecture
Could probably go along way to improving mental health of the population. SLEEP DISTURBANCE
DENTAL HEALTH I don't necessarily think it is any accident that DENTISTS OFFICES have some of the best "REMINDER" SYSTEMS out there.
'Mini-strokes' lead to PTSD and other psychiatric disorders PREVIEW: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Draft State Supportive Housing Olmstead Planning Bill Val's Take Nebraska Olmstead Planning Bill This is very much a draft and it is focused on:
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US Dept. of Justice Background on Some of the Concepts in the Draft CO Olmstead Supportive Housing Bill.
Statement of the Department of Justice on Enforcement of the Integration Mandate of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead v. L.C. Question #7: " A state’s obligations under the ADA are independent from the requirements of the Medicaid program." --- this is important with regard to the State's obligations to provide Housing which is not covered by Medicaid. Further, many DOJ Olmstead Settlement Agreements include provisions for Housing. Question #12: "The plan must have specific and reasonable timeframes and measurable goals for which the public entity may be held accountable, and there must be funding to support the plan, which may come from reallocating existing service dollars." [The PROBLEM for States is De-Institutionalization over the past 50 or 60 years --- they stopped funding bed space and they never adequately funded Community Mental Health because they "THOUGHT" psychotropic medications were going to solve the problems and for some people psychotropic medications have helped enormously. Further, a lot of the "COST" of caring for folks under MANAGED CARE got COST-SHIFTED to the JUSTICE SYSTEM and MUNICIPALITIES and COUNTIES. So Now it is not very easy for STATES to Re-Allocate funds that often aren't coming out of their budgets --- but out of the budgets of MUNICIPALITIES, COUNTIES and others. Further, the 21st Century conceptualizations of Neuro-Developmental / Psychiatric Continuum and "Executive Functioning Problems" and an idiosyncratic ENERGY SUPPLY / Fatigue --- have complicated the Treatment Landscape. On the other hand, those new conceptualizations are also bringing HOPE --- If we don't push ourselves and others, beyond our and their LIMITS and allow people to develop the "GIFTS" --- they do have --- things can often be "BETTER."] 2010 DOJ Settlement Agreement with the State of Georgia regarding inmates with mental illness being released from incarceration.
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Regarding the State of Georgia's Mental Health and Developmental Disability System "In addition, also by July 1, 2015, Georgia has agreed to provide services in community settings for 9,000 individuals with mental illness who currently receive services in the state hospitals, are frequently readmitted to state hospitals, are frequently seen in emergency rooms, are chronically homeless or are being released from jails or prisons." The 1/5 figure for participation of people with lived experience is taken from a DOJ Settlement Agreement with Oregon. 2016 Oregon Performance Plan for Mental Health Services for Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness 2. OHA will maintain a system for accountability for the performance outcomes specified in Section D of this Plan, by including the following elements of OHA's USDOJ Project governance structure: a. USDOJ Agreement Stakeholder Advisory Team: composed of a cross section of diverse stakeholders, including a minimum of 20% individuals with lived experience, to review and comment on the progress towards and performance of the outcomes specified in Section D and provide advice to OHA regarding the strategies being employed." I don't think an "Olmstead Planning Bill" is the ONLY way to address significant SHORTAGES in SUPPORTIVE HOUSING for people with Physical and Cognitive Disabilities who are:
BUT if States are supposed to be complying with the ADA, Title II and the Olmstead decision anyway --- why not. A LITTLE SECRET
If we change some of the "VARIABLES" such as:
Improving access to ACCOMMODATIONS and TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH likely would reduce the need for SUPPORTIVE HOUSING for People with Disabilities. IN THE MEANTIME
The Public Needs to be Educated About WHY People Need SUPPORTIVE HOUSING
Preview: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Neuro-Diverse people are some of the "SMARTEST" (not perfect people) on the planet BUT there are commonalities with traditional "Intellectual Disabilities" like "DOWN SYNDROME" --
My aunt was probably 4'6," she had struggled with her weight all her life and in school --- at least one teacher did think she had DOWN SYNDROME. (Obesity as a suspect class)
She had a very hard life and she faced a lot of discrimination and it was focused primarily on her weight and there were not a lot of legal protections and their still aren't. Her "IQ" was at least average and probably above average --- she ultimately became an artist. My maternal grandfather was short and stocky even though he came from a family of tall people and the tall mother may have had some mental health problems -- at least my grandfather told my grandmother never to leave my mom or my aunt alone with my great grandmother.
My maternal grandfather had some alcohol problems and ultimately "abandoned" my grandmother with polio and the 2 kids ---
My aunt, my mother, 2 of my cousins and myself are very short and relatively stocky girls. One of my cousins who was a non-identical fraternal twin girl of one of the cousins and of more average height. She died of multiple health problems in her 40s. Her weight fluctuated wildly from the time she was a child and very thin to her ultimate death. METABOLISM is something that is being DYSREGULATED, and while DIET and EXERCISE are important --- it is taking some people a lot more to REGULATE and for more and more modern people --- it is taking more time to regulate than it would have for the majority of people a few decades ago. Of course there were always some people who struggled with their weight. In fact, my maternal tall grandmother stuggled with her weight and she was growing up in the early part of the 20th century and the 1920s. During my pregnancy with my son, some of the tests came back that my son had a 5% chance of having DOWN SYNDROME.
My son does not have DOWN SYNDROME --- He's "GIFTED" (which is a mixed blessing), a PERSONAL TRAINER and can deadlift 455 pounds. For a lot of COMPLEX MEDICAL PROBLEMS --- we can often be talking about "MULTIPLE DYSREGULATIONS of the BODY."
I think "Genes," and "Trauma" are in the vernacular and "Epigenetics" is getting there.
Some other terms that may be on the horizon are "DNA MYTHLATION SIGNATURES" as well as "RNA MYTHLATION SIGNATURES" RNA: ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.
-- Oxford Languages So what I'm trying to get at is that there are some very complicated common drivers of:
As we better understand the role of the Immune System in each of these categories --- it will likely spill over to better understandings of the other categories as well. Additionally, it may alter our ideas around "INTELLIGENCE" and show a relationship to the "IMMUNE SYSTEM." High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities Specifically, those with a high intellectual capacity (hyper brain) possess overexcitabilities in various domains that may predispose them to certain psychological disorders as well as physiological conditions involving elevated sensory, and altered immune and inflammatory responses (hyper body) Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome --- CU Medicine
Down Syndrome is an Immune Disorder syndrome facts - Instant Access w/ Kindle DENVER – A groundbreaking new study conducted by the Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome shows definitively that Down syndrome can be categorized as an immune system disorder, based on analyses of thousands of proteins found in blood samples. Philosophy of Immunology @ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
[I'd never heard of "Philosophy of Immunology" before and it does seem in contrast to Cartesian Mind/Body Dualism. I think "Immunology" is having a moment and it's clear the Immune System is doing a lot more than what we thought and is having profound impacts not only on the "Body" but also on the "Mind" and by extension on "Philosophy of Mind and Body."] Like a lot of "lay people" --- I thought the Mental Health Profession was on much more solid intellectual ground than they ACTUALLY are.
It took a lot of courage for former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health Thomas Insel to declare in 2013 that the DSM 5 "lacked validity." Okay --- Well, what do you do next? If you're the National Institute of Mental Health --- you begin the Research Domain Criteria Program (RDoC). At the same time that we're recognizing that the DSM 5 "lacks validity" we're recognizing:
BUT what if you're the Criminal Justice System --- this is beyond INCONVENIENT and do you really have the SWAY to up-end long-standing legal understandings. IT WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER --- If the POLITICAL PROCESS could build out a PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE that was inclusive of:
PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Neuro-Diversity and Accommodations Beyond Executive Functioning to Idiosyncratic Energy Management Val's Take/Conjecture
"The harder I tried actually the worse I started doing --- because I was already at capacity.
"The result of this message of 'TRY HARDER' was the worse grades and I thought less of myself." The first step may be just recognizing that "FATIGUE" can be an ISSUE ---
I think one of the culprits (not necessarily the only one) in FATIGUE is C-Reactive Protein (See Mayo Clinic on C-Reactive Protein Test) C-Reactive Protein is associated with INFLAMMATION and HEART DISEASE. C-Reactive Protein is also associated with Neuro-Developmental Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 Feb;29(2):239-247. doi: 10.1007/s00787-019-01372-y. Epub 2019 Jul 16. Maternal serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and offspring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) › articles › 10 Frontiers | Biomarkers, Inflammation, and Bipolar Disorder ...
Is C-reactive protein a biomarker of systemic inflammation?
Prospective Association between C-Reactive Protein and Fatigue in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study C-reactive protein: an activator of innate immunity and a modulator of adaptive immunity (2004) Cognitive and Social Abilities rely on a Delicate Balance of Innate & Adaptive Immunity (2019) So to me this is a JUSTICE ISSUE --- this is a LEGAL ACCOMMODATION ISSUE.
It is also helps explain why our current MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSION is not really getting the RESULTS we need. If you think this is a question of MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING and you're really dealing with SYSTEMIC DEVELOPMENTAL INFLAMMATION and the RAMIFICATIONS of that ---
State and Federal Governments are paying enormous sums of money for Mental Health and individuals and families are often being asked to pay out of network for providers who don't take insurance --
PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
The Biology of Trans-Sexuality Conjecture I don't know that there is "ONE BIOLOGY" that explains all of Trans-Sexuality and I wouldn't necessarily exclude some idea of "SOCIAL CONTAGION" or "SUGGESTION" as a factor for some people --- THAT IS WHY YOU REALLY WANT THE BIOMARKERS. The reason I say that is people are looking for VOCABULARIES to explain their INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES. Homosexual is now LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Trans-Sexual, Asexual . . . ETC. BUT with TRANS-SEXUALITY you're talking about something that is perceived not only UNDESIREABLY by the SOCIETY but also by the PERSON --
For at least some people there are clear biomarkers. Stanford's Robert Sapolsky on the Neuro-Biology of Trans-Sexuality
I think this "IDEA" that there is this neat division of somebody who just is "IN THE WRONG BODY" --- is starting to give way in some cases to something that is MORE COMPLEX.
There seem to be "DYSREGULATIONS OF MULTIPLE SYSTEMS OF THE BODY" ---- and that is why trying to address them can be very, very COMPLICATED. And also why "TRANSITIONING" might work for one person but not for somebody else. To me, the "TRANSITIONING CONVERSATION" is not unlike the "PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION CONVERSATION" ---
I think NEURO-DIVERSITY is on many, many dimensions --- not just gender or sexual orientation --- and it is coming in many combinations.
What is Neurodiversity?
New Hope Church: Don't Put People in Boxes
PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Executive Functioning Differences, Idiosyncratic Energy Issues and --- OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY This is a video from Canada on Flexible Assertive Community Treatment -- the page below is trending on the Orchid website.
One of the interesting things about this video is that an Occupational Therapist is part of the Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Team. Additionally, see our page "Mental Health Courts Pro & Con" --- the TedTalk on Mental Health Courts is presented by a Judge who is also an OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST. Val's Take/Conjecture
I think Occupational Therapy has some experience in dealing with ADHD -- maybe more with Children than Adults --- but somebody has thought to put OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS on a Assertive Community Treatment Team. From my perspective, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY & "REASONABLE ACCOMMODTIONS" are the CRITICAL PIECES that can make the difference between SURVIVING and THRIVING. By the time the "CRISIS" hits --- there are often many things that ARE NOT WORKING in relation to the person's ABILITIES, CHALLENGES, and what the person, others, and the society are EXPECTING as "REASONABLE." When there is a BIG ASYNCHRONOUS MIS-MATCH --- that is setting the stage for a MELT-DOWN, BURNOUT or BREAK-DOWN. Further, there is a lot of UNCONSCIOUS BIAS in all of this --- if someone in a position of authority has a MELTDOWN ---
PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Leonardo da Vinci and Uncompleted Projects Beyond the Conventional Wisdom Did Leonardo da Vinci have ADHD?
Date: May 23, 2019 Source: King's College London Summary: Leonardo da Vinci produced some of the world's most iconic art, but historical accounts show that he struggled to complete his works. New research now suggests the best explanation for Leonardo's inability to finish projects is that the great artist may have had attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Adler put a premium on "DIALOGUE" --- not unlike even ancient philosophers --- but he was able to articulate that and write about it more directly than Socrates (who didn't write anything) and Plato (whose "Dialogues" were works of art in their own way).
Adler's idea of the "GREAT CONVERSATION" is a CONVERSATION that spans GENERATIONS. Val's Take/Conjecture
PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Mortality in Persons With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (2022) Affiliations
Conclusions and relevance: This systematic review and meta-analysis found that ASD and ADHD are associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality. Understanding the mechanisms of these associations may lead to targeted strategies to prevent avoidable deaths in high-risk groups. The substantial heterogeneity between studies should be explored further. Placental DNA methylation profile as predicting marker for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (2023) Ravaei A, Emanuele M, Nazzaro G, Fadiga L, Rubini M. Mol Med. 2023 Jan 16;29(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s10020-022-00593-3. PMID: 36647002 Free PMC article. Review. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs normal brain development and socio-cognitive abilities. ...In addition, non-genic DMRs in ASD-placenta proposes an alternative contributing mechanism for ASD development. Our study h … DNA methylation associated with persistent ADHD suggests TARBP1 as novel candidate (2020)
Weiß AL, Meijer M, Budeus B, Pauper M, Hakobjan M, Groothuismink J, Shi Y, Neveling K, Buitelaar JK, Hoogman M, Franke B, Klein M. Neuropharmacology. 2021 Feb 15;184:108370. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2020.108370. Epub 2020 Oct 31. PMID: 33137342 Free article. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by age-inappropriate symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity. ...DNA methylation of single sites with … Methylation
National Human Genome Research Institute "Methylation is a chemical modification of DNA and other molecules that may be retained as cells divide to make more cells. "When found in DNA, methylation can alter gene expression. "In this process, chemical tags called methyl groups attach to a particular location within DNA where they turn a gene on or off, thereby regulating the production of proteins that the gene encodes." Epigenetic Mechanisms in Psychiatric Disorders
Mar 3, 2021 · There is increasing evidence that epigenetics may play a role in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder, psychosis and addiction. The Epigenetics of Anxiety Pathophysiology: A DNA Methylation and Histone Modification Focused Review. (2023) Anxiety is one of the most common psychiatric disorders diagnosed in the United States today. Like all mental illnesses, anxiety pathology includes genetic, molecular, somatic, and behavioral characteristics. ...Furthermore, there have been studies showing th … PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
MC Hammer
U Can't Touch This J Cole -- a m a r i
getting out of your ASSIGNED SEAT Val's Take/Conjecture
On the other hand, you can be more subject to MELTDOWNS, BURNOUTS and BREAKDOWNS --
I do think Neuro-Diverse people have to "GET OUT OF THEIR ASSIGNED SEAT" if they are going to take care of themselves ---
I think when people understand that these SENSORY PROCESSING DIFFERENCES are bringing a LOT OF INTENSITY that takes SIGNIFICANTLY MORE TIME TO MANAGE ---
Also, by and large-- this isn't the NEURO-DIVERSE PEOPLE vs. the NEURO-TYPICALS --
Additionally, Neuro-Diversity is really about "falling outside the norm" in some respect ---
BBC: Demystifying Autism and Over-Stimulation
So part of what I'm trying to say with regard to our EPIDEMIC OF NARCISSISM is that it may be in part the result of
The mixed bag --- BOTH aspects of this --- is what is desperately needed to be understood in MENTAL HEALTH today. Preview: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
States of Emergency, Public Health & Olmstead Val's Take
National Take
Some 19% of those surveyed in the UCSF study became homeless after leaving institutions such as prison, and finding employment and housing with a criminal record is difficult. Val's Take
EMPLOYMENT has to be part of this discussion as well --- and EMPLOYMENT with an UNDERSTANDING of the DIVERSE GIFTS and CHALLENGES of HYPER-CONNECTED BRAINS. PREVIEW: Translational Love, Relationships & Neuro-Diversity
Intensity, Loss & Growth Val's Take With a rift in any kind of relationship or a romantic break-up and especially death --- there's a lot of INTEGRATING that into our lives going forward. When Taylor Swift is writing about a break-up that happened 10 years ago -- I think for the Neuro-Diverse among us ---
I've had dates that didn't go anywhere that I still think about and certainly relationships. With regard to death -- I remember my father saying one of the purposes of showing the body at the funeral was so the surviving family and friends could SEE that the person was no longer the person they knew during life --
The death of my father 16 years ago was scary and traumatic and the OVERWHELMING FEAR was that he would be GONE from my LIFE ---
With the death of my husband Rick --- I'm dead to him --- he's not dead to me. In trying to move forward I think one's kind of looking for an ESCAPE from:
Those 19th Century Novels are dated but they tried to tackle some tough topics for the day.
One of the many reasons Rick was so precious to me was that he stayed with me ---
The man I'm dating now is fond of saying, "We have luggage, not baggage." I think this is another version of INTENSITY -- the RESERVED Mr. Bernstein --- there's a lot going on underneath the surface -- that you wouldn't have necessarily guessed seeing him early on.
His guess at the meaning of "Rosebud" is ultimately wrong --- but it tells us a lot about Mr. Bernstein. PREVIEW: Law & Order Thursday
Val's Take/Conjecture Colorado has something most states don't have --- The Laura Hershey Memorial Disability Benefits Support Program was created in 2011 by the Colorado State Legislature to "provide education, direct assistance and advocacy for people with disabilities eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income and Long-Term Medicaid ". Laura Hershey I did not know Laura Hershey personally --- I did admire her from a far --- I followed some of her writings -- she was an excellent writer and a very impressive person.
I probably will never be able to gin up the animosity towards Jerry Lewis that she and some other members of the physical disability community have had ---
On the other hand, I think my animosity towards the former Hickenlooper Administration might be hard for others to understand as well. I've tried to let a lot of that ANIMOSITY go --- not wholly successfully -- but I am still very focused on "OLMSTEAD COMPLIANCE."
Hickenlooper was and is a great politician and one of the things he said -- paraphrasing --- "With public support you can do anything, without it you can't do anything." I think when we talk about "SUPPORTIVE HOUSING" --- this looks a whole lot like an "UNFUNDED MANDATE" or ---
at least the "HOUSING" part with no adequate source of funding even though there are various HUD monies and other funding sources. The "Services" should theoretically be covered by MEDICAID --- but in 2015 CMS rejected "HOUSING as HEALTHCARE" -- but CMS noted that STATES still had an obligation under OLMSTEAD to provide it to avoid the unnecessary institutionalization or risk of institutionalization of people with disabilities. Additionally, many members of the public want people with "COGNITIVE DISABILITIES" --- working as a kind of "quid pro quo" for the SUPPORTIVE HOUSING. Many people with "COGNITIVE DISABILITIES" do want to "work" and/or "volunteer." Val's Take: To me, this video from Canada is a WORK OF ART -- a MASTERPIECE --- and there are so many gems that can be mined from it.
I've posted it many times. For this post, I'm focusing on the words of the psychiatrist who observes that --- most of the people involved with HOUSING FIRST + Assertive Community Treatment are working part time or volunteer work --- Almost everyone wants to do something productive --- even if --- full time work is not possible. Additionally, the young woman who is running the "Urban Flower Project" --- admonishes that every business should have a "Hiring Policy" to include these folks. Further, the psychiatrist --- references "COMPLEX NEEDS."
That covers a lot --- but two of the things I think it covers that are more and more being recognized are:
There is a need for more PUBLIC EDUCATION regarding "ACCOMMODATIONS" and Work Arounds for Executive Functioning Challenges and various levels of "Fatigue."
"TRY HARDER" which is not all bad --- but for many people with "Cognitive DIFFERENCES/Disabilities" --- it is ACTUALLY MAKING THEM WORSE --- SOMETIMES MUCH WORSE.
To make things more confusing for EVERYONE --- the "EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING CHALLENGES" can be and often are ACCOMPANIED WITH SOME "SPECIAL ABILITIES."
Looking for CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE funding strategies for the "Housing PIECE" of Supportive Housing as well as practical technical assistance on ACCOMMODATING:
in Education, Employment and beyond for purposes of INTEGRATION and INCLUSION. Preview: Translational Medicine Friday
"I think as a field, we've accepted the idea that this is not something that people choose," Seto said. Pedophiles and the choice to abuse Salter said more research is needed to understand why some pedophiles do not act on their attractions, but her clinical observations suggest at least some pedophiles with bad brakes are raised in homes where they were mistreated or neglected. There is also a genetic component, as some pedophiles show psychopathic traits. "Where do you want the person? Therapy is where he should be going, and all we've done is make it very, very difficult for a pedophile to get that," Cantor said. "Which to me is insane. It makes the problem worse." Salter said while pedophiles do not choose their attractions, she does not believe those who offend are being punished unfairly. Treatment should be encouraged, but without minimizing the impact abuse has on victims' lives. "It's a choice to act on child molestation," she said. "We don’t need to say, 'Offending isn’t so bad. It really isn’t your fault. ... You really couldn’t control it. You are a victim of a punitive society.' We need to say, 'Offending is devastating. It damages the lives of victims. It has damaged your life. You can learn to control yourself. You have the capacity to do better.'" Val's Take: The confused reasoning immediately above is what is being presented to the Criminal Justice System in some cases and the Public. Is this as bad as Q-Anon --- well, it's got a professional gloss but the reasoning isn't much better. I can absolutely understand why people are having a hard time with the ramifications of this --- BUT it doesn't have to be a choice between SAFETY and HUMANE TREATMENT ---
PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
Looking for a "Deeper" Understanding of Our "Personality Disorder" Categories Val's Take/Conjecture The role of the "Personality Disorder" is very scary in this society. "Anti-Social Personality Disorder" is pretty much the diagnosis of choice in the Criminal Justice System and at least one state --- my home state of Oklahoma --- has passed a law saying "Anti-Social Personality Disorder" is NOT grounds for the INSANITY DEFENSE. Well it is not grounds for the INSANITY DEFENSE in most states --- but our limited understandings are VERY SCARY. And in Oklahoma -- you've still got the Death Penalty. BUT in other States including Colorado --- we have ridiculously long sentences --- TIME TO DO --- because WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THE PERSON---
Some COUNTRIES (Australia) are considering CERTIFICATION for "ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER" --- that could be BETTER than what we're doing --- BUT it is NOT GOING TO BE BETTER --- if we don't address the COMPLEXITY and UNCONSCIOUS BIAS of not only the people in the Criminal Justice System --- but throughout the Society ---
Academics in the US and around the world are now conceptualizing "Anti-Social Personality Disorder' as a DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER related to ADHD. Neuro-Developmental and Psychiatric Disorders are more and more viewed as on a CONTINUUM. Further, how this plays out in the SOCIETY is VERY SCARY as well --- if you are at the BOTTOM of SOMEBODY's PECEIVED TOTEM POLE --- you are putting up with a lot of "SH-T." Some perceived "HIERARCHY" often prevents us from calling people on this --- AND OFTEN IT IS NOT SAFE TO DO. That is one of the many reasons why our move to greater and greater "AUTHENTICITY" is so important. Further, for some of us -- our SOLUTION to this was --- WE WERE GOING TO BE PERFECT --
There are a couple of lines I want to throw out: Urban Dictionary:
From the Mini-Series "Chernobyl"
This all has a very PSYCHO-SOCIAL FEEL to it, but what I want to bring in is a "BIOLOGICAL BASIS of BEHAVIOR" ---
Now --- I'm going to talk in very GENERAL TERMS which is not a substitute for INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT and PRECISION MEDICINE. The MORE STRESS you are under the MORE THAT RAMPS UP SENSORY PROCESSING ---
Further, we're contending with the "LIMITS" of our own Cognitive Processes --
Practices such as "MEDITATION" or "PRAYER" of one type or another can be helpful in trying to limit or manage the "SENSORY PROCESSING" as well as RAMP DOWN the EMOTIONAL DYSREGULATION. But even Buddhists can get into "US vs. Them Thinking" --- Just ask the Rohingya. This is a HUMAN PROBLEM that if we are HONEST --- most of us did not escape. PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Asynchrony, "Narcissism," Executive Functioning Challenges & Anxiety The Need for Double Empathy 360 and a MORE GROUNDED VIEW of Ourselves and Others PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Supportive Housing & Justice This could be seen as a continuation of the Olmstead Law & Order Thursday post below.
Some people with Cognitve Differences/Disabilities do need assistance with CLASSIC ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING. MOST DON'T. On the other hand, many need SUPPORT or INDIVIDUALLY TAILORING of their ENVIRONMENTS to deal with EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING DIFFERENCES/DEFICITS. Now if you can AFFORD THAT --- GREAT! But the ASSUMPTIONS within the SOCIETY don't always make it easy. For people who met the the level of "LONG TERM CARE" --- private insurance and/or Medicaid should be picking up the EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING SUPPORT. Now if you try and define out people with COGNITIVE DISABILITIES as Colorado has done --- by limiting the CMHS (Community Mental Health Supports) Waiver to people who need assistance with ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING ---- THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM The Target Population is NOT NOBODY -- BUT --- it's not most people needing LONG TERM CARE because of a need for SUPERVISION as a result of
PREVIEW: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Congratulations to Disability Law Colorado and the Other Winners of NDRN's* Advocacy Awards GOING FORWARD ON OLMSTEAD . . . *NDRN -- National Disability Rights Network NDRN AWARDS "Four members of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) received the NDRN Advocacy Award for outstanding work protecting and advocating for the rights of people with disabilities.
"The NDRN Advocacy Award is given each year to P&As who have demonstrated outstanding work, allied organizations who have partnered with P&As, as well as to P&A clients who have successfully advocated for improvements in services that not only benefitted them but the broader community of people with disabilities. " To me,
are the 3 BIG ISSUES for Neuro-Diverse People with an IQ OVER 70 and Low Income that need to be addressed to prevent the unnecessary institutionalization of Neuro-Diverse People who are often "FLYING UNDER THE RADAR." This also has the potential to benefit the Society at Large in a big way --- because Sensory, Attention, Executive Functioning and Stress Issues are not rare. These are issues that are not unrelated to other Healthcare issues such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke and Dementia. Happy Father's Day
Val's Take/Conjecture
With Neuro-Developmental Differences/Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders --- we're often talking about a combination of GENES from BOTH MOTHER AND FATHER involving the IMMUNE SYSTEM among other things as well as MATERNAL IMMUNE ACTIVATION. Detection of REST expression in the testis using epitope-tag knock-in mice generated by genome editing (2022)
Abstract Background: Repressor element 1-silencing transcription factor (REST) is a master regulator that is highly expressed in multipotent stem cells to repress gene networks involving a wide range of biological processes. A recent study has suggested that REST might be involved in a misregulation of its target genes in the embryonic brain of offspring derived from aged fathers. However, detailed analyses of the REST function in spermatogenesis are lacking due to difficulty in the detection of REST protein in specific cell types. [Val's Take: We may be talking BIOLOGICAL AGE, NOT NECESSARILY CHRONOLOGICAL AGE]. Biomarkers in fathers' sperm linked to offspring autism (2021)
Source: Washington State University Summary: Epigenetic biomarkers in human sperm have been identified that can indicate a propensity to father children with autism spectrum disorder. In the study, researchers identified a set of genomic features, called DNA methylation regions, in sperm samples from men who were known to have autistic children. Then in a set of blind tests, they were able to use the presence of these features to determine whether other men had fathered autistic children with 90 percent accuracy. Association of genes within the major histocompatibility complex with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (1997)
Abstract The objective was to determine whether a relationship exists among the complement C4B gene, a DR region gene and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thirty-one subjects with ADHD, their mothers, all but 5 of their fathers, and 90 normal subjects living in northern Utah were studied. DR and C4B typing were performed by serologic HLA typing techniques and the DNA methods PCR-RFLP. The alleles of 2 genes, the null allele of the C4B gene and the beta 1 allele of the DR gene, encode for products involved in immune function and regulation. Each of these alleles was found to be significantly associated with ADHD. Moreover, approximately 55% of the ADHD subjects carried both of these alleles on 1 of their chromosomes, compared to only 8% of normal controls. Genes related to the immune system may be associated with development of the symptoms of ADHD. See Also PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Rashoman & Research The UK and Japan are experimenting with Collaborative Research directed by BOTH Professionals and People with Psychiatric Issues Val's Take/Conjecture
Daniel Boorstin once advised me that I should be a PHILOSOPHER NOT A LAWYER. He was probably right.
There are probably few people in which being a PHILOSOPHER is more pragmatic than being a LAWYER --- but I'm probably one of them. On the other hand, I don't think I could be the PHILOSOPHER I am today without having been a "LAWYER." PREVIEW: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Societal Time Management, the "Totality of the Circumstances" and Avoiding Institutionalization Val's Take/Conjecture
"YEAH, YEAH --- But you should see the list of MANDATORY THINGS I'm supposed to do." AND if I'm Neuro-Diverse and taking in
you could end up with a Society that looks like the one we have today. It's very common to see in ADDITUDE Magazine articles on the "ADHD TAX." Further, a lot of "treatment" for Neuro-Diverse People is not Neuro-Diverse Friendly and in the private sector is often "OUT OF NETWORK." Below is the Neurodivergent Rebel --- and she's talking about among other things Migraines that she suffered through because no one believed her complaints (migraines are also often associated with mental health concerns).
Beyond migraines and other sensory issues, common issues for Neuro-Diverse people involve various Executive Functioning Challenges --- and it can be very confusing to everyone (including the person themselves). The problem of "LATE DIAGNOSIS" in Neuro-Diversity is HUGE and it's one of the reasons we have so many crises.
ACCESS TO TREATMENT is an ISSUE --- BUT the need for BETTER UNDERSTANDINGS and BETTER TREATMENTS are also ISSUES. The American Psychiatric Association Foundation has kinda recognized this --- but the full scale of the problem is not recognized or being addressed as needed. That is leading to the unnecessary institutionalization and homelessness of NEURO-DIVERSE PEOPLE. The more INDIVIDUALS, PROFESSIONALS and COMMUNITY MEMBERS understand these SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES for some people with an IQ OVER 70 --- the BETTER. PREVIEW Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Neuro-Diversity in Jail, Prison & Homeless Populations Val's Take
Neurodivergence in Criminal Justice Network (England & Wales) ADHD in the Justice System: underdiagnosed and underserved (Multi-Health Systems --- MHS) It’s Time to Break the Link between Autism and Homelessness (The Century Foundation) PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
A Continuum of Neuro-Developmental & Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders Val's Take/Conjecture
This could go a lot of ways, BUT ---
Further, if we thought Cell Phone Cameras could be damning --- some of the EMERGING BIO-MARKERS may be even more challenging. This is calling for:
PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
The tRNA regulome in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disease (2022) 1Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
2Friedman Brain Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA 3Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA PREVIEW: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Addressing Educational & Employment Needs of People with ADHD, Autism & Dyslexia as---- An Olmstead Strategy to Reduce the Level of Institutionalization of People with Developmental Differences Val's Take/Conjecture
Importantly, many Neuro-Diverse People are not fitting neatly into current DSM Categories ---
Most Researchers today do not view these NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL and PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSTIC CATEGORIES as FIRM or FIXED ---- but much more BLURRED. This means ACCOMMODATIONS and WORK-AROUNDS will need to be INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED for this REALITY. PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
The Trials, Tribulations, Individual Skirmishes and Pitched Battles of --- Neuro-Diverse Abstract and Concrete Thinkers Another way to think about Abstract Thinking is it tends to be BIG PICTURE THINKERS.
And all of this is very INDIVIDUAL. I am a BIG TIME ABSTRACT THINKER --- I wouldn't consider myself as someone with Dyslexia ---
Concrete Thinkers might have trouble with Abstract Concepts and take things always "LITERALLY."
Kings College London
Thinking Twice About ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder So the point regarding the video above from Kings College London is there is A LOT OF OVERLAP BETWEEN THE SEEMING OPPOSITES of ADHD and AUTISM. Further, both ADHD and Autism talk about BURNOUTS and MELTDOWNS and some researchers at least are talking about a CONTINUUM of NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS and PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS. THE DISASTER OF THE DSM --- Late Diagnosis, Too Late Diagnosis, and Many, Many Crises Even for smart people, I think it takes a minute to appreciate the ramifications of large numbers of the population with:
Translational Justice Monday
Seeing the AFFECTIVE in the PHYSICAL and the PHYSICAL in the AFFECTIVE Robin Niceta Among Many, Many Others What we don't want to do is recognize a very LIMITED CLASS or CLASSES of BIOLOGY as EXCULPATORY ---
Further, to me --- We don't want to WASTE a lot of TIME and RESOURCES trying to FIGURE OUT WHO TO PUNISH. We need to put most of our EFFORTS into first providing for SAFETY --- and THEN
There can be ENORMOUS COMMONALITY OF INTEREST among INDIVIDUALS, VICTIMS and the COMMUNITY in taking such an approach.
BUT "RESTORATIVE JUSTICE" does need to incorporate more sophisticated "PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACHES" ---
Affective Immunology
Affective immunology: where emotions and the immune response converge Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience (2017) <<Link "Recent compelling evidence has shown that the emotional and immunological systems share more than a similarity of functions. "This review article will discuss the crosstalk between these two systems and the need for a new scientific area of research called affective immunology. "Research in this field will allow a better understanding and appreciation of the immunological basis of mental disorders and the emotional side of immune diseases." Bioactive lipids as modulators of immunity, inflammation and emotions. Current Opinion in Pharmacology (2016) <<Link Translational Love & Relationships Saturday
The MANY ROLES of Neuro-Diverse Oppressor & Oppressed "RIVER" --- The Complicated "RIVER" of TRAUMA
It is rarely as NEAT and TIDY as "KARMA" if we view it on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL. If we view it as more challenges of the HUMAN CONDITION and SOCIETIES and Complicated CAUSE & EFFECT RELATIONSHIPS --- maybe. One of the things the ART of DRAMA does particularly well is bring together the PERSONAL, WORK and the SOCIETAL to get to some NEW INSIGHTS. Neuro-Diverse people who are experiencing EMOTIONS THAT ARE NORMAL IN EVERY WAY BUT "INTENSITY" are quite vulnerable to PTSD and other psychiatric issues. Those "NEURO-DIVERSE" people are NOT just in one segment of the society. One of the BIG THINGS that has made it DIFFICULT for INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, PROFESSIONALS and SOCIETIES ---
I think for Neuro-Diverse Individuals, Families, Professionals and Societies in 2023 ---
Translational Medicine Friday
Below: Where did I find this artist rendering of Latonya --- On a physical disability site ---- No, a twitter feed for people of color with autism.
Latonya had an incredible appreciation for the challenges of not only PHYSICAL DISABILITIES but also COGNITIVE DIFFERENCES.
She served on the PAIMI Board at The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People, now Disability Law Colorado. PAIMI stands for Protection and Advocacy for People with Mental Illness. As we are starting to INTEGRATE PHYSICAL and MENTAL HEALTH --- I feel that the DISABILITY COMMUNITY is leading again in its appreciation of INTER-DEPENDENCE --- which can help get us out of US vs. THEM THINKING and to MORE HUMAINE, REALISTIC and PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS. PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
PEOPLE PLEASING vs. DEMAND AVOIDANCE --- Two Sides of the Same Coin? And there are many other such coins. Val's Take/Conjecture
WHEN IT COMES TO HEALTH --- It Seems that is always a MOVING TARGET.
Dr. Gabor Mate has articulated this idea of "THE BODY SAYS NO" and popularized it with regard to Chronic Illness & Disease.
Paul Micallef takes that idea and applies it to "AUTISM." Mate brings in TRAUMA, the SOCIETAL STRUCTURES, AUTHENTICITY, STRESS, etc. I think Paul really adds to this by saying that "We all have to play within our own limitations." I think this is also related to ideas we have around "HOMEOSTASIS." In the case of "NEURO-DIVERSITY," I would certainly include IMPROVED KNOWLEDGE and AWARENESS on the part of the PERSON and the SOCIETY. I don't think Neuro-Developmental Inflammation and Dysregulation is the only driver of our CHRONIC DISEASE, NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY/PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER EPIDEMIC
Val's Take: Yeah this can be about romantic relationships --- I think it can also be about our relationships with ourselves and with our understandings of the world and situations we find ourselves in.
THAT IS NOT A ONE AND DONE PROCESS. Further, I think before we have a NEW ANSWER --- we have ANOMALIES and DOUBTS about our CURRENT ANSWER --- a la Philosopher of Science Thomas Kuhn. To me, that is what is happening in LAW and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR and challenging behavior throughout the society. For me, I already have REASONABLE DOUBT about how we're handling CRIMINAL CASES and "BAD BEHAVIOR" in the Society, and I think as a SOCIETY we are certainly EXPERIMENTING with OTHER MODELS. To me, there are 2 BIG "BOUNDARIES" for any SOLUTION:
As we're integrating PHYSICAL and MENTAL HEALTH and relationships to:
There feels to be a TEMPORAL SPACE between the SIMPLICITY on the NEAR SIDE OF COMPLEXITY and the SIMPLICITY on the FAR SIDE OF COMPLEXITY (per Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.). We need Interim Procedures for this TIME and SPACE where we are BEYOND SIMPLICITY ON THE NEAR SIDE OF COMLEXITY but not yet to the SIMPLICITY on the FAR SIDE OF COMPLEXITY. PREVIEW: Neuro-Diversity Wednesday
Bodies of People With Mental Illness Are Biologically Older Than Their Actual Age
Neuroscience News March 27, 2023 Val's Take/Conjecture
This is the National Institute of Mental Health's video from a decade ago recognizing that ADHD, Autism, Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia --- SHARE COMMON GENES and often involve CALCIUM CHANNEL DISRUPTIONS.
Since that time, Researchers are conceptualizing Neuro-Developmental and Psychiatric Disorders as on a CONTINUUM. Further, MATERNAL IMMUNE ACTIVATION is now often associated with Neuro-Developmental Disorders and more and more with Psychiatric Disorders. Further, NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL and PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS are often associated with DYSREGULATIONS in METABOLISM, the MICROBIOME, the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM and the IMMUNE SYSTEM. Many CHRONIC DISEASES --- have PSYCHIATRIC COMPONENTS. I think NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL and PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS do have PHYSICAL COMPONENTS but they can appear MORE SUBTLE, especially when we haven't known what to look for. People with CLASSIC PHYSICAL, NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL and MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS need PHYSICAL, NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL and MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICE --- INTEGRATED. "Summary: A new study reports aging may not be a result of accumulative damage to the body, but instead is the result of “design” flaws in our DNA that orchestrates the development of single cells into an adult organism."
According to the study’s authors, aging therapies will only be effective if they target the software of the body rather than the hardware. To me, the question is where are these "DESIGN FLAWS" coming from. I think NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL INFLAMMATION is playing a big role in our PHYSICAL & MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES and we're just not paying enough attention to DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES ARISING OUT OF PREGNANCY. Further, I don't think we should be IGNORING these issues --- BUT it doesn't make sense to PUNISH them either. The "LIFESTYLE ISSUES" we've been focusing on aren't nothing, BUT I think DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES OFTEN OUTWEIGH or OFTEN DRIVING PROBLEMATIC LIFESTYLE ISSUES. Having said that --- where can you realistically have an impact --- maybe it is on those "LIFESTYLE ISSUES" ----
I think most people are familiar with the phrase being "NICKLED and DIMED" --- those small amounts of money add up. There's no shortage of well-meaning people willing to tell you exactly what you need to do and it will only take 5 minutes.
So for some NEURO-DIVERSE PEOPLE we may need to change our LIFESTYLES to more ACCURATELY FIT OUR DEVELOPMENTAL NEEDS. PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Olmstead and School Shootings Val's Take
I would later write that some middle and upper middle class high schools don't have the SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE ---
BUT to do SOMETHING other than WARNINGS --- you need OPTIONS and you need options that SPAN THE FULL CONTINUUM OF CARE. THE HIGHER UP ON THAT CONTINUUM OF CARE you need to go --- the MORE EXPENSIVE IT TENDS TO BE. I think there is a "HARM REDUCTION" Component to the Olmstead decision.
All "Institutions" are not created equal. Further, Sentencing in Criminal Justice is almost always ARBITRARY & CAPRICIOUS ---
Abstract Excitotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Acute Stroke | IntechOpen 'Majority' of stroke patients might have undiagnosed attention disorders (2013)
The majority of stroke patients may have attention disorders, most of which are not diagnosed, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. Mini-Strokes Lead to PTSD & Other Psychiatric Disorders [Val's Note: This connection between STROKE/MINI-STROKE and Attention Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders/Psychosis --- I think is SIGNIFICANT] Val's Take/Conjecture
Why It Was Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s (2015)
A new study finds that people today who eat and exercise the same amount as people 20 years ago are still fatter. Translational Justice Monday
Justice & Health Care: Addressing Underlying Neuro-Developmental Issues Val's Take/Conjecture
Val's Take: I think a lot of people are skeptical about the increase in "ADHD" --- but if you look at what drives it ---- It's not that surprising.
Further, a factor like smoking can last more than than one generation. Below "Smoking During Pregnancy and Risk of ADHD in the Third Generation." At some point we have to stop "JUDGING" each other and address these complicated HEALTH ISSUES as best we can. That does mean providing for SAFETY. Val's Note: Below is a good example of me making a CONSCIOUS PRIORITY CHANGE --- I had planned to collect my information calling into question the DSM ----
Is Autism Related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia? (2012)
The nutrient L-carnitine appears effective in treating all three. What I'm going to post Today
Later This Week and Next Week:
PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Addressing Executive Functioning as a Justice Issue
Val's Take/Conjecture "Standard Executive Functioning" when I was growing up was just being "RESPONSIBLE."
On the other hand, this goes WAY BEYOND "PEOPLE PLEASING" to PROFOUND IGNORANCE and JUST NOT KNOWING on the part of not only myself and people close to me ----
The problem with NOT KNOWING is YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. I think a lot of RESEARCHERS are getting us on the RIGHT TRACK --- Understanding the IMPLICATIONS of:
To me this is causing a lot of FEAR and TENSION in the SOCIETY --- because our OLD WAYS and NEW WAYS of trying to MANAGE THIS ---
Understanding NEURO-DIVERSE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING ISSUES and ENERGY ISSUES are BIG KEYS. Val's Take: I think unless we and the people around us or the people close to us UNDERSTAND our ENERGY CHALLENGES that can be VERY CONFUSING.
Even when I was single and no kids ---- I couldn't really work an 8 hour day. When our kids were growing up ---- I was only working part-time --BUT that included a lot of TRANSITIONS I needed to make everyday and my husband was working often long hours. For most people --- it would be such an EASY LIFESTYLE --- but for me it was--- too much. Neuro-Diverse Women have some unique issues here:
That is an important SEX DIFFERENCE and is DIFFERENT than this idea that this is all coming to light in ADOLESCENCE ---
Additionally, what is "REASONABLE" really depends on the "TOTALITY OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES"
The transition from an AGRARIAN ECONOMY to our current TECHNOLOGICAL ECONOMY has been very rapid.
If we're looking back 125 years ago --- 18 probably seemed OLD -- not YOUNG to say someone was an ADULT.
One of the things my American History professor was fond of saying: "CHANGE EQUALS STRESS" -- that's NOT limited to Americans.
We've gone a considerable way in understanding the need for "DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS" ---
One of the ironies of the debates of the 20th Century regarding Communism and Capitalism:
Toronto academic and psychologist Tayyab Rashid makes the point that: "Nobody has it all, nobody lacks it all." Additionally, Clarence Darrow was right when he said: "In one sense, we are all equally good and equally bad --- we all do the best we can under the circumstances." Those "CIRCUMSTANCES" can be a lot of things:
Part of getting out of our CURRENT TOWER OF BABEL is recognizing that and increasing our sophistication in EMPOWERING DIFFERENT MINDS to work together to live our best lives ---
I think there are a lot of NEURO-DIVERSE Men (and Women) who are "JUSTICE-INVOLVED" on both sides of that fence.
As a widow with grown kids --- I work about 3 or 4 hours a day -- at the various levels I'm at --- there's some wiggle room --- but it's not as negotiable as most people might think.
For me personally --- I can understand why Thomas More in his work "UTOPIA" --- thought 4 hours of work a day would be ideal --- BUT I also understand that for other people that wouldn't make sense. My body needs a lot of exercise and I need to connect to people because I'm so idiosyncratic and asynchronous. So not only do I need at least an hour of exercise a day, I need dancing or music several times a week --- to connect more with other people. Further, there is a greater than average break between most activities. Now that is me --- other people need different things and the point is this is not so much what people need for some IDEALIZED EXISTENCE --- it's what some NEURO-DIVERSE PEOPLE with GREATER SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION need to FUNCTION so they don't get "SICK." Now like a lot of "ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES" --- this could probably benefit other people, too. Translational Justice Monday
Neuro-Diversity, Biology and Authenticity Beyond the LIFE-STYLE CHOICE and TRY HARDER Val's Take
Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Supported Employment & Entrepreneurship for People with an IQ over 70 & Executive Functioning Challenges Val's Take
So on the one hand there's a need to SLOW DOWN and address Executive Functioning. ON THE OTHER HAND ---
Accommodating "ASYNCHRONY" in Employment has NOT BEEN EASY, especially when we didn't know how to do it.
Most people will make the "ACCOMMODATION" or "WORK-AROUND" if they know what to do and it is not COST PROHIBITIVE. There is a role for Olmstead Planning and Policy Making to INTEGRATE ASYNCHRONOUS People into the WORK FORCE. Translational Justice Monday
This is a little bit of the FLIP SIDE of "NO FUNDAMENTAL ALTERATION DEFENSE WHEN BRINGING EXISTING MODELS TO SCALE." The "Fundamental Alteration Defense" is a defense for States under Olmstead. For example, the US Dept. of Justice has found that there is no fundamental alteration defense for STATES when bringing existing models of ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT and SUPPORTIVE HOUSING to SCALE. The LEADERSHIP PRESCRIPTION for the FEDS is not really new ---
Preview: Olmstead Law & Order Thursday
Are Outdated Mental Health Conceptualizations & Treatments an Olmstead Issue? Val's Take
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Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus:
Relationship to gender identity and sexual orientation (2021) Affiliations
Mechanisms involved in sexual differentiation of the brain include hormones, genetics, epigenetics, endocrine disruptors, immune response, and self-organization. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO
In 2023 --- we're looking at something like Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrine-Microbiome-ology to understand HUMAN BEHAVIOR
Further, the IMMUNE SYSTEM is starting to take CENTER STAGE in way nobody anticipated.
HISTORICALLY --- we haven't had all this information, and even though there have been VISIONARIES for thousands of years --- all the dots weren't connected. Those dots are still not all connected ---- BUT we are IN THE PROCESS of taking a MORE WELLNESS and HEALTH BASED APPROACH to ourselves and others with the goal of INCREASING OUR CONTROL OF OURSELVES and moving to MORE SOPHISTICATED VIEWS that get us out of the FREE WILL vs. DETERMINISM STALEMATE. PREVIEW: Translational Medicine Friday
NO Competent Health Care System If We Don't Understand Developmental Neuro-Inflammation & We Certainly Won't Have a Competent Mental Health System If We Don't Understand Developmental Neuro-Inflammation --- Val's Take
Val's Take
COMORBITY involving Neuro-Developmental Differences/Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders
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One of the things that Paul Micallef with Autism from the Inside talks about are the LIMITS of EMOTIONS and ENERGY.
One of the things I don't think we talk enough about is the ENERGY part of that equation. In the table below, I am going to be including HYPER-FOCUS and FATIGUE because it greatly impacts both RELATIONSHIPS and WORK --- and if you don't have RELATIONSHIPS and WORK --- you could find yourself INSTITUTIONALIZED or AT RISK OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION. Mom on the Spectrum
Uneven Productivity Val's Take: I think this is a "Buddha Moment" when we need to wake-up to the widespread issue of cognitive disability in the human condition. One of the things that is difficult is how many of these issues have DEVELOPMENTAL COMPONENTS that are impacting people with an IQ OVER 70. If we are focused on PUNISHMENT--- this becomes exceedingly problematic. If we are focused on SAFETY --- it's not easy ---but all the blocks don't come crashing down --- and we have developed various certification procedures. Further, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Olmstead Decision could help us manage the HIGH END of the CONTINUUM OF CARE much better than we're doing ---
Val's Take: To me, Researchers in the US and around the world have made a prima facie case that there is "REASONABLE DOUBT" regarding our ASSUMPTIONS under Mens Rea (I'm not saying those researchers know they did that.)
And the question to me is --- Who Bears the Burden of Proof and Who SHOULD BEAR THE BURDEN OF PROOF. Right now it appears we're putting that BURDEN on Indigent Defendants with Cognitive Disabilities --- when BILLION DOLLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS are struggling with these questions. I also think this raises questions of FUNDAMENTAL FAIRNESS, DUE PROCESS & EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW --- now those are BIG US LEGAL CONCEPTS and they've been interpreted in complicated ways. I do think we need to address the concerns of the DISABILITY COMMUNITY --- but ESPECIALLY when it comes to CRIMINAL JUSTICE --- we need people not only with LIVED EXPERIENCE OF DISABILITY -- BUT also LIVED EXPERIENCE of the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.
For some people in Criminal Justice --- STIGMA cuts quite differently --- and dealing with a major health issue that is CRIMINALIZED --- that's a very destructive STIGMA that could mean HARD TIME or in some states the DEATH PENALTY. More Later This Week The beginnings of a TABLE regarding the Research on:
in Criminal Justice. Will ultimately also look at co-morbidities. These are broad categories and most people with these issues ARE NOT in the Criminal Justice System.
Getting to the SPECIFIC BIOLOGY needs to be approached CAREFULLY --- BUT it has the potential to demonstrate:
The other hope is that this will drive HEALTH CARE ADVOCACY on all sides. PREVIEW Translational Justice Monday
Val's Take I'm going to start work on --- Orchid's 2023 COLORADO COGNITIVE DISABILITY REPORT. This is going to focus not only on Colorado but important research and projects in the US and Around the World regarding people with:
in Criminal Justice. Colorado is doing a lot of INNOVATIVE THINGS. Like a lot of States we have a hard time funding the HIGH END of the CONTINUUM OF CARE:
AT THE SCALE NEEDED. These are absolutely STATE ISSUES --They are also FEDERAL ISSUES. If you wanna know what it REALLY MEANS TO BE PRO LIFE --- THIS IS IT. C-Reactive Protein during pregnancy is associated with different brain morphology, Autism, considered a potential biomarker for psychiatric illness, a potential biomarker for ADHD, is associated with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Depression. --- see further below
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PREVIEW: Translational Justice Monday
Val's Take
I think entities like UC HEALTH could also engage in LARGE SCALE POPULATION STUDIES using AGGREGATE DATA that could help us further REFINE our understandings of what is going on with some of these complicated health issues that so many of us are struggling with throughout the SOCIETY. UK: Assertive Community Treatment for Neurodivergent Clients (ADHD & Autism)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects about 5% of adults. CBS Colorado
Eight Colorado district attorneys release years of data in push for judicial transparency. See Microsoft Public Safety & Justice. This represents a true commitment to justice that will likely serve as a NATIONAL MODEL. This Model needs to be adopted by States --- such as COLORADO --- with regard to OLMSTEAD COMPLIANCE. [This page has not been updated --- BUT the BASIC POINTS are still valid.]
See Also: We're pulling a lot off the Home Page and transferring it primarily to:
Becky Reardon
The Turtle Remembers #988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
"Totality of the Circumstances" and the Exposome --- Accumulation of Exposures Monday, Nov. 27, 2023 Temple Grandin
Residential Treatment through Behavioral Treatment Services (BTS).
The mission of BTS is to provide accessible, integrated, and inclusive behavioral health services supporting clients throughout the criminal justice system. There's a BIG SHORTAGE of Residential Placements and Supportive Housing for people with behavioral health issues in Colorado's Criminal Justice System and nationally.
HARM REDUCTION where approved by the Court and desired by the individual as an alternative to Jail and/or pending more appropriate RESIDENTIAL SERVICES or SUPPORTIVE HOUSING "might" be a possibility. Options might include a Locked Nursing Home Ward, Open Nursing Home Ward, Assisted Living Residence. Local Colorado Long Term Care Ombudsmen might be of assistance. CONJECTURE
By and large, the current diagnostic categories are NOT FUNDAMENTAL insofar as:
Recognizing the role of MATERNAL IMMUNE ACTIVATION in many cases and the IDIOSYNCRATIC NATURE OF THAT on SHARED GENES --- helps to explain the wide variety in the population. It's about SHARED GENES and at least in many cases MATERNAL IMMUNE ACTIVATION --- and the current diagnostic categories are falling apart. “So what this is doing — is it’s starting to kind of shed light on the specific biological pathways that might be shared across these disorders; namely, these specific neurons that are sort of critical and just brain signaling pathways,” Grotzinger said. Colorado's 232-page Plan to Implement Major Reform in CO's Broken Mental Health System.
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Behavior Health Administration
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Generic Olmstead Demand Letter to a State
[under construction] BOTTOM LINE: Colorado and other States need to get on with it and adopt REASONABLE PLANS with MEASURABLE GOALS to address BIG SHORTAGES. Martin Scorsese on Citizen Kane
Orchid 2022 Olmstead Advocacy Efforts [Stakeholders are exploring the possibility of a State-supported process that would be looking to the 2023 Legislative Session]
"States are increasingly using community-based housing-related services as part of a strategy when implementing Olmstead plans or settlement agreements to provide integrated community living opportunities for people exiting institutional or other segregated settings, as well as those at risk of unnecessary institutionalization due to being inappropriately housed." Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine (click image to go to website)
Colorado Springs Gazette
- Colorado Kids
$76 million could fix Colorado’s youth mental health system, study finds as kids are sent out of state for care
“We don’t do this to kids with cancer.” Residential treatment centers for youth have warned for years that they’re headed for collapse.
“We don’t do this to kids with cancer.” Residential treatment centers for youth have warned for years that they’re headed for collapse.
Community Resources for the Whole Person
Val's Take: To me, what stands out is:
Val's Take
Right now: Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt is running headlong into some outdated COMPETENCY & INSANITY STATUTES. While most people INTENDED THE CRIME --- Most People who COMMIT CRIMES have:
that are greatly mediated by INNATE & ADAPTIVE INFLAMMATION affecting the Brain. |
Public Health Approach
Science & Research
This may seem off key from our strong BIOLOGICAL focus, but we really see the Arts & Humanities as well as Doing Therapies as a realistic compliment to traditional mental health treatment, namely medication & talk therapy.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) / National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) -- 2018
Maternal Inflammation & Baby's Brain Claudia Buss, Ph.D., of Charité University Medicine Berlin and University of California Irvine, discusses research on inflammation in pregnant mothers and possible effects on brain development in their children. |