Conjecture, Science & Translational Research & medicine
Val's Take
What does it mean for public health?

Conjecture: We see the increase in Psychiatric Disorders related to multi-generational accumulated epigenetic changes connected in part to a move away from traditional agricultural societies.
In part, we are relying on the work of Kings College London Prof. Graham Rook and his Old Friends Hypothesis.
Additionally, we view many psychiatric disorders as:
- Developmental
- Including Executive Functioning Differences and/or Deficits
- Sometimes/often Special Strengths or Abilities as the result of idiosyncratic wiring of the brain.
- Hyper-Connected Brains
- Often emotions that may be more Intense. This runs the gamut from "personality disorders" to "giftedness" -- BUT there is something BIOLOGICAL going on here that is often being missed --- ADHD's Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and/or Bipolar Disorder "Reactive Cells" seem to be viable explanations for many cases.
- Such psychiatric disorders include not just the brain, but also:
- The Immune System
- The Endocrine System
- The Microbiome, and
- Metabolism.