Assertive Community Treatment & Flexible ACT Index

The Treatment Advocacy Center Contacts Orchid in the Fall of 2018
Re: Assertive Community Treatment in Colorado
TAC is conducting a national survey of availability of ACT across the nation.
We contacted the Hickenhooper Administration on the issue: we did not hear back.
Val's E-mail to the Polis Administration ---3-7-2019
Assertive community treatment/ flexible act & the flood of issues they raise

- A big source of contention has been how CO Medicaid handles Assertive Community Treatment.
My understanding is that it is currently still an "Alternative Service" under CO Medicaid and some slots are being provided through CDHS.
I got pretty hot under the collar when I kept asking the Hickenlooper Administration if they had an objection to a waitlist for ACT -- and they wouldn't respond over a period of years.
Now, CO probably already targets ACT to people @ risk of Criminal Justice involvement -- of course, there are thousands of those people with mental health issues.
Additionally, it is NOT just people @ risk of Criminal Justice involvement -- who are potential candidates for ACT -- a lot people with mental illness who are homeless, in nursing homes & the Institutes might be able to live successfully in the community with ACT.
Further, the Nordic countries and some other countries in Europe are using Flexible ACT which is less expensive and is only utilized on an as-needed basis, primarily for people who may experience cycling mental illness but have long periods without significant symptoms.
ACT was originally designed to provide long-term care for people with serious mental illness in the Community. It was developed in the 1970s. We still haven't brought it to SCALE.
I'm not opposed to something that works just as well and can prevent homeless, incarceration & institutionalization of people with serious mental illness. BUT it seems to me there are THOUSANDS of Coloradans in the Criminal Justice System, Homeless, & in Nursing Homes who could benefit from ACT or FLEXIBLE ACT.
The CMHS waiver really needs to be re-vamped --
- get rid of the targeting criteria that requires a need for assistance with activities of daily living
- consider how the State is going to address the long term care needs of people with Substance Use issues
- include long term services that people with mental illness need including ACT & FLEXIBLE ACT
- peer services
- etc.
Ideally, I'd like to set up a meeting to discuss these issues with the idea that the State and the Community would be working together on timely & substantive next steps.
--------------, thanks for your time and energy.