the High-Jinks Never Stop -- but who IS the "Tiger King" -- We Are
We mean this in BASIC TERMS -- Mental Illness involves the Immune System
Our Society & Politicians by & large STILL DON'T GET IT ON COGNITIVE DISABILITY
PsychCentral: Drawbacks of DSM-5 Therapists Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. and Daniel J. Tomasulo, Ph.D., TEP, MFA We saw a personality disorder video @ the end of this -- and we're really concerned about how personality disorder diagnoses play out in the Criminal Justice System and serve as an EASY OUT for practitioners with respect to the most difficult patients. That's why we really need biomarkers and we're starting to get them. The HUGE ETHICAL CHALLENGE is what to do before full blown replacement of the DSM.
AuthorVal Corzine Archives
January 2025