Location, Location, Location ---- Pueblo
Lawsuits have been filed (Neiberger), Administrators do try -- AND trying to keep the Colorado Mental Health Institute @ Pueblo adequately staffed is no small task, and more importantly to keep it that way consistently
Keeping highly educated folks down @the Mental Institute @ Pueblo once they've seen Colorado Springs or Denver, or in the case of the former Superintendent -- Hawaii -- well -- at this point -- is it even doable? We think two things are clear: Pueblo can support a fairly sizeable outpost, AND it can't support what it is currently trying to do. The problem isn't the Administration -- It is the location -- Ft. Logan has never had to our knowledge these same problems. There needs to be some kind of objective study/audit with respect to what is reasonable in terms of size for Pueblo that it can consistently (not once in a blue moon) staff with highly educated and trained people given the current salary ranges and incentives. AND at least some of this needs to be moved to Ft Logan or perhaps University. |